Memorial Day weekend went by in a blur.
With baseball, birthdays and a going away fiesta for a dear friend it was a busy weekend.

First of all this cutie lost her front tooth. As if she could get any more adorbs. (I'm her mom, I can talk like that!)
This tooth has been loose Finally the night before she was determined to make it happen. Finally an hour past her bedtime I made her go to bed. I was actually worried might just fall out in her sleep because that tooth was just hanging on!
That tooth even made it through school all day! But leave it to a bunch of coaches, after school that baby came out!
And, Chloe was ectastic that the Tooth Fairy paid a visit. Finally!
Saturday we celebrated Coop's birthday all day! Twelve. Wow. I've always said that until you have children you really don't realize just how precious and quickly time goes by. He's about to be in seventh grade. That means playing football. Man, I remember being in seventh grade like it was yesterday! Next thing I know he will be driving and it's all too much.
We had a really fun day, heading to a local old-fashioned goodness hamburger joint for lunch complete with giant birthday sundaes! Health Camp is a fun, old-fashioned hamburger joint. Nothing there is healthy so don't let the name fool ya! We were laughing because we heard someone ordering and ask for a whole wheat bun. Sorry dude, you're in the wrong place.
Later that afternoon we headed to Eddy, TX to continue the birthday celebration....swimming, catfish fry and a special surprise from Pops.
I don't know who introduced who to the unimaginable, red-neck wierdness of
Duck Dynasty but anytime the boys (well, let's be honest, even Chloe watches this crap and can recite entire episodes verbatim) go to Mimi and Pops' they looove to watch it. Most recently they watched this episode about eating frog legs. They talk about it all the time. Well, good ol' Pops happened to find some frog legs for Coop's birthday soiree and it was a big hit. I mean it was fun and all but I don't think anyone/kids really LIKED eating the frog legs ("they taste like chicken") but it sure made the boys' night. Even the brown-bag wrapping was indicative of the awesomeness of Duck Dynasty.
My mom and dad have some land and they have worked really, really hard clearing some of the woods and have a firepit and cook-out area by the creek. It was a nice night and we had a really fun time all just hanging out together.
Chloe has been loving Dancing with the Stars. At least it's a lot more palatable than DD. All she wanted to do was dance down by the campfire. Everyone got in to dancing mood and it was a lot of fun.
My mom even started to teach the boys how to two-step. It was so cute. But mostly Chloe wanted Todd to lift her up "like they do on the show" and twirl her around. I'm pretty sure he got a good workout in with all that!
We ended the night with Cooper's traditional birthday cake, a humongous
Chocolate-Covered Oreo Cake. Not an Oreo fan myself, this cake is actually pretty awesome. How can you go wrong with cream cheese and Cool Whip mixed together?
Sunday the boys drove to Bellville to pick up Coop's birthday present, a full-on weight bench. Thanks Coach Rowe! We cleaned/organized the shed so it's now a semi- home gym. Pretty cool. He can crank the jams almost as loud as he wants now!
Sunday was a one more, final goodbye fiesta for a dear co-worker and friend. She's heading to Vanderbilt to pursue a fab life as an event planner and to be with her long-distance love. To say that we will miss her is an understatement. Her office was right next to mine and we would just talk all day long. We became fast friends and I actually looked forward to going to work each day just because it was so much fun. We had many fun, quirky/snarky routines: creating hashtags, junking during lunch adventures, airmail messages, a love for Mr. Snow sno-cones and general work gripe sessions. She leaves on Wednesday. So not looking forward to goodbye. But it's really not so much goodbye as "see ya later". And even harder is that Chloe simply adores/worships/idolizes BaylorMegs. She is definitely going to be a sad little chica without her dose of Megan. A trip to Nashville is definitely in my future.
Of course no fiesta is really a fiesta without my new fave concotion: the Beer-Rita. It's this super-delicious mixture of 1) limeade; 2) a can of beer; 3) tequila; 4) ice. Simple as that. The best part is that when you blend it up the beer gets all frothy and it just adds this greatness to the whole thing. Delish!
Monday, Memorial Day, was a day for relaxing and doing nothing. We were pretty much wiped out from all the weekend fun. I wanted to share some of my fun patriotic decorations but that will have to be another time!
Beaucoup blessings!